Thursday, May 17, 2012

Philanthropy and Daniel Chavez Moran

Charity is a blessed thing in this day and age. Truly charitable actions are rooted in a place of deep humanitarianism and empathy. defines "philanthropy" as an "altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, usually manifested by donations of money, property, or work to need persons, by endowment of institutions of learning and hospitals, and by generosity to other socially useful purposes".

It is clear, however, that what matters in philanthropy is the thought behind it, not so much the monetary value of the means. The ability to empathize is crucial to all philanthropic ventures. To that extent, money is secondary in the philanthropist's world.

Empathy is what determines the value of your charitable deeds, so doing good deeds only because you are forced to do them is not exactly true charity. Those who are truly generous shall find a way to give, even when they have little means for it. Philanthropy is for everybody.

What is important is that you have love for others. A philanthropic person is thus at heart a person who can feel on behalf of others. The capacity to feel for other beings is what determines the value of a charitable act and its doer.

The official Daniel Chavez Moran blog shows all these principles put into practice. His philanthropy has been characterized by a deep commitment to respecting others, a respect manifested even in his business. The man has lived his life with a charitable spirit.

The man was responsible for one of the biggest companies in Mexican real estate development these days. He chose to call it "Grupo Vidanta" because "vidanta" in Latin pertains to helping people achieve happiness. It is a forward-looking company with great consciousness of the aims of the people in and around it.

There is a constant commitment to taking into account the needs of all people concerned with Grupo Vidanta. It has been said that it is one of the best companies to work for due to its valuation of human resources. The company believes that as its bellhops, managers, doormen, receptionists, and other hotel staffers are happy, the happiness will infect its guests as well.

Grupo Vidanta's three core principles are focused on respecting its people first, its customers second, and then the environment. The employed people are a primary concern for it. There is great environmental consciousness here as well.

Moran later created a foundation for charity too. His focus was on the youth of Mexico, specifically the ones without the money to live well and study. He was not satisfied to rest on his own wealth: he wanted to do more for others.

Articles on Daniel Chavez Moran and his philanthropy started coming out, especially after he expanded his philanthropic efforts by creating Grupo Vidanta Foundation. He then made a great sacrifice in the eyes of the business world: he withdrew from his executive posts and started working exclusively for his charitable ventures. His works have inspired many others to work towards the same goals.

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